
Robert Haines

Exposition de Once Upon a Time in Wales

Cyfarthfa Museum and Art Galleryexpo Lighthouse Gallery



Robert Haines Once Wales couverture

"For 35 years this extraordinary collection of photographs remained hidden from the world. Taken around 1971/2, by 19 year old photographer Robert Haines, they record life in the Welsh valleys, in the village of Heolgerrig and nearby Merthyr Tydfil. Heolgerrig a very close-knit community with Welsh the first language. It was a mining community where most of the men worked underground and life seemed to revolve around the pub and the chapel. Merthyr Tydfil, once the ‘Iron Capital’ of the world, had a justifiable reputation as ‘tough’ with characters such as hard man, Melvin Webber, who died after being blasted by a shotgun, and ‘Mad’ Malcolm for whom no chemical substance was too strong".

Dewi Lewis

indent1 Voir les œuvres de Robert Haines

indent1 En savoir plus sur Robert Haines

indent1 Commandez le livre Once Upon a Time in Wales



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indent1 Lire l'article dans le Guardian (19 mars 2008)

indent1 Voir les photos dans le Society Guardian (19 mars 2008)

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