

Richard Bram couv

  • "Wall Street, 2008," Publication #1, Inspiration Nick Turpin Publishing, Londres
  • 2007 "Transfigurations", Lens Culture, Paris.
  • "Richard Bram: Sokak Fotograflari," Fotoritim, Istanbul.
  • "Richard Bram: Street Photography", Benedict Press, Allemagne
  • "Transfigurations," Fotophile #51, New York
  • "The Way He Sees," Times Journal of Photography, April 2006, Mumbai, Inde
    2005 - 1994
  • 2005 "An American in London," Amateur Photographer, 8 Oct. 2005, Londres
  • 2003 "Occasional Sights", Anna Best & The Photographers' Gallery, Londres
  • 2002 "Transfigurations," La Fotografia Actual #91, June/July 2002, Barcelone
  • 2000 Fotoseptiembre International 2000, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico, D.F.
  • 1994 The New Street Photography, CD-ROM, 1994 Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio